Map and Set in js
June 20, 2020
Map 😎
Map is like an object. It store element in key,value pair form. But the main difference is that Map allows keys of any type.
Methods and properties in Map:
new Map()
- creates the,value)
- stores the value by the
- returns true ifkey
exist otherwise return
- return the value on which the key points,undefined
doesn’t exist in
- removes the value by the
- removeseverything
from the
- returns the current elements count.
Let’s experiment something:
let map = new Map(); // Intialize an map
map.set('1','key is string'); //a string key
map.set(1,'key is numeric'); //a numeric key
map.set(true,"key is boolean"); // a boolean key
// normal object convert the key into string type
//but map keeps the type
// It didn't convert the key into string type
console.log(map.get(1)); // 'key is numeric'
console.log(map.get('1')); // 'ket is string'
console.log(map.size); //3
Map can also use objects as keys
For example:
let user = {name:'utkarsh'};
let map = new Map();
// Here we use object as a key to store values
console.log(map.get(user)); // 434
Using object as a key is one of the most important Map
features. Object {}
doesn’t support keys as an object {}.
Let’s see:
let user = {name:"utkarsh"};
let obj = {} // a simple object
obj[user] = 123; //trying to use object as a key in obj
console.log(obj); //{[object Object]: 123}
console.log(obj["[object Object]"]); // 123
Here obj is an object,it converts all the keys in string
, such as user object.
So on consoling obj it returns {[object Object]: 123}
Iteration over Map
There are 3 methods for looping a map:
- returns all the keys of an
- returns all the values of an
- returns an all[key,value]
For example:
// Let a map with customerName or there with roomno
let customers = new Map([
// iterate over the keys
for(let names of customers.keys()){
console.log(names); // 'John', 'Jack','saun'
// iterate over the values
for(let rooms of customers.values()){
console.log(rooms); // 300, 200, 190
// iterate over the enteries
for(let entry of customers.entries()){
// [John,300]
// [Jack, 200]
// [saun, 190]
// We can also write customers in place of customers.entries()
for(let entry of customers){
// [John,300]
// [Jack, 200]
// [saun, 190]
Map has built-in forEach
method similiar to Array
For example:
let customers = new Map([
//forEach on customers
// John,300
// Jack, 200
// saun, 190
//{"John" => 300, "Jack" => 200, "saun" => 190} //so on
If we want to create Map by passing a simple object {}
. Then we can use built-in method Object.entries(obj)
that returns an array of key/value pairs for an object.
For Example:
let obj = {
let map = new Map(Object.entries(obj));
console.log(map.get('name')); // utkarsh
Here Object.entries(obj)
returns [["name","utkarsh"],["age",24]]
that’s Map needs.
Set 🔥
A Set
is a “set of values” (without keys), where each value may occur only once.
In Set
duplicate values are not allowed.
Method and properties in Set
new Set()
- creates the set.set.add(value)
- adds a value, returns the set itself.set.delete(value)
- removes the value,returnstrue
. If value existed at the moment of the call,otherwise returnsfalse
- returnstrue
if the value exists in the set, otherwisefalse
- removes everything from the set.set.size
- is the element count.
Repeated call of set.add(value)
with the same value don’t do anything. That’s why each value in set
are unique.
For Example:
let set = new Set();
let hollyMovies = {name:"Avenger"};
let bollyMovies = {name:"Rockstar"};
let favMovies = {name:"Batman"};
// set keeps only unique values
console.log(set.size); // 3
// Iterating set
for(let movie of set){
// Avenger
// Rockstar
// Batman
forEach in set
For Example:
let set = new Set(["Avenger","Mission Impossible","Batman"]);
//Mission Impossible and so on
Above forEach function has 3 arguments value - value of set and valueAgain is the same value of an set. Here the same value appears in the arguments twice.
Iterators in set
supported same methods for iterators as Map
- returns an iterable object for values.set.values()
- same as set.keys().set.entries()
- returns an iterable object for enteries[value,value]
This is all about Map and Set hope you 👍
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