Learn Js with Ut

Iterable or Iterator in js

July 01, 2020

Iterable 😕

In js iterable is an protocol that allows us to define or customize the iteration of an object. Allow us to iterate any object via for..of, {...spread} etc.

There are some built-in iterables in JS like Array,String,Map,Set etc. These built-in iterable are looped with for..of loop.

We can also create our own iterable object by using constant Symbol.iterator as a method inside the iterable Object.

Let’s create our own Iterable:

//first we create a simple object.
let iterableObj = {
  from: 1,
  to: 3,

// Now to make it iterable we have to define [Symbol.iterator]() as a method in iterableObj.
iterableObj[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
  // This function will return an iterator object{}
  //Over which for...of loop will start its iteration.
  return {
    // This is iterator object which is used by for..of loop.
    // this iterator object have next() method i.e call by for..of loop to get
    // the next value
    current: this.from,
    last: this.to,
    //whenever for..of wants new value, it calls next()
    next() {
      if (this.current <= this.last) {
        return { done: false, value: this.current++ };
      } else {
        return { done: true };

// now see result...
for (let key of iteratorObj) {
  console.log(key) // 1,2,3

The above example looks like messy😵. Let me explain

  • First we initialize an obj that we want to make it like iterable.
  • second we define a method inside obj i.e [Symbol.iterator] i.e call by for..of loop when it start iteration.
  • That return an iterator object on which for..of loops work. Which contains next() method.
  • whenever for..of loop want next value then it calls the next() method.
  • next() function return an object like {done:Boolean,value:any} must be in this form.

    • If done=true the iteration is finished otherwise value is the next value and done=false.

That’s it.


Iterator is an object i.e return by the [Symbol.iterator] function with next() method.

Let’s see in more simple way

let iteratorObj = {
    return { //Iterator object with next() method
          if(this.current <= this.last){
              return {done:false,value:this.current++};
              return {done:true};


for(let val of iteratorObj){
   console.log(val); //1,2,3

Now jump on some iteration protocols example

A String is an built-in iterable object in js.

For Example:

let str = "hi"; // a simple string

//Now add some more engineering

// String have its own Symbol.iterator function
let iterator = str[Symbol.iterator]();
// here iterator store iterator Obj i.e return by the [Symbol.iterator]()
console.log(iterator.next()); // {value:"h",done:false}
console.log(iterator.next()); // {value:"i",done:false}
console.log(iterator.next()); // {value:undefined,done:true}

//Some construct also work on iterator protocol
console.log([...str]); //  ["h", "i"]
const [firstLetter,secLetter] = [...str];
console.log(firstLetter,secLetter); // "h" "i"

Iterable Example:

// Map is built in iterable
let maps = new Map([[3,"chainSmokers"],[5,"Dj snake"],[1,"Gryffin"]]);

console.log(maps.get(3)); // chainSmokers
let sets = new Set("123");
console.log(sets.has('2')); //true


  • Objects that can be used in for..of loop,[...spread] etc are called iterable.
  • Iterable must have a method named Symbol.iterator.

    • The return value of Symbol.iterator method is called iterator object.
    • An iterator obj must have next() method that returns an object {done:Boolean,value:any}.
  • The Symbole.iterator is automatically call by the for..of loop.But we can also call it directly.
  • There are some built-in iterables like Array,String,Map,Set,weakMap,PromisAll([iterable]) etc.They also implement Symbol.iterator.
  • There are some statement or construct like for..of,spread operator,destructuring,generatorsetc. That expect iterable for iteration.

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Hii this is Utkarsh Srivastava. I live in India. I
Coding, Learning New Tech, and Playing PC Games. You can find me on
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